Weapon station/ Search Light
“Bridging the gap between sensor based RWS options and the enhanced capabilities embedded with high-end illuminator solutions”
Seeing beyond limits, multispectral all-in-one light source, multi capacity added values. These are some of the features incorporated in the CROW MK2 illuminator. The Xtruder CROW is a uniquely designed sensor providing multispectral illumination to Remote Weapon Systems (RWS) enhancing their sensor capabilities to perform beyond their natural limits.
The Xtruder CROW is designed to be modular and scalable initially adapter for Kongsberg Protector RWS. The CROW can be fitted with various wavelengths of light within as well as outside the visual spectrum.
Possible light source configurations – altered to match most sensor packages:
•White spot laser light
• 890nm IR LED flood light
• 860nm Class 3B IR laser light
• Class 3B green laser dazzler, 532nm
•Optional 1064nm / 1550nm output
RWS Sensor-Package-Performance-Increase During 90% of operational time, RWS systems are used in the role as an observation system utilizing superior optic systems in order to provide situational awareness for own troops.
Surface Treatment:
Power consumption WStandby power consumptionInput range (DC)
LED options:
1950 gram
Type III hard anodised
18-32V DCVisible/850nm/890nm/940nm/1550nm
The Xtruder CROW MKII is designed to support and increase the performance of any day- and/or night optic systems providing the operator with a crisper and clearer picture increasing observation distances limited by weather conditions.
For upgrade /midlife upgrade programs the added CROW capacity will improve significantly on the existing sensor package without adding a substantial price tag to the total system cost.
Improved Positive ID enemy forces (PID) The level of certainty required to determine that a target is qualified as a likely and identifiable threat, has always been a critical issue for the RWS operator.
The Xtruder CROW MK II capacity assists existing sensor systems to provide imagery and/or range in order to obtain a reasonable certainty that a proposed target is a legitimate military target.
Improve your Combat ID (CID) capabilities. CID purpose is to improve unit combat effectiveness and minimize collateral damage while simultaneously preventing fratricide. The RWS is a critical tool for the CID process to ID battlefield entities or to help make final target ID (TI). The added capability to illuminate IR patches or IR identification marker will help the RWS operator to CID own troops. The capacity will ultimately help save the lives of our soldiers and reduce the decision-making process at its most critical stage.
The Xtruder CROW MKII provides force option capabilities when lethal force is not preferred or
authorized. Increasingly complex operational environments require escalation-of-force (EoF)
capabilities that complement the lethal weapons equipped on the remote weapon station – this to
enhance force protection and reduce collateral damage.